Here at Hill Electric Company, we understand the importance of nurturing young professionals and guiding them towards becoming the leaders and torchbearers of the skilled trades industry. With an aging population exiting the workforce, it’s imperative that we educate the next generation of leaders in our industry. Read below for tips that promise not only to attract young talents to the skilled trades but also to pave the way for a brighter future for the entire field.

Mentorship is Key

Embarking on a journey in the skilled trades can be both exhilarating and daunting for young professionals. Establishing a mentoring program will provide fresh minds with the opportunity to connect with experienced mentors early in their careers. These mentors will not only impart technical know-how but also help shape growth trajectories, set expectations, and offer support as milestones are achieved.

Don’t Overlook Culture

Young professionals are like any young generation that has been in the spotlight before them: “challenging the status quo” and forging a new path for their generation. They are looking for brands and careers that stem from authenticity and intentionality, while also doing meaningful work. Create a culture that stems from these two traits: authenticity and intentionality. By fostering an environment built on authenticity and intentionality, we pave the way for young professionals to engage in meaningful work that resonates with their values. Through a defined set of core values, we not only live them but also broadcast them to the world, letting actions speak louder than words.

Inclusivity is More Than a Buzzword

With Generation Z standing as the most diverse generation in history, building an inclusive work environment is non-negotiable. We actively seek to incorporate individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of gender, race, religion, background, or age. Inclusive practices are not just a box to check but an integral part of our commitment to fostering an environment where young professionals can thrive. Consider new ways for your team to be inclusive from job descriptions and interviews all the way through to team meetings and reviews.

Empowering Work-Life Balance

While the traditional concept of “flexibility” might not always align with the nature of skilled trade roles, you can offer your employees flexibility in other ways. Allowing your team to arrive early/leave early or come in late/leave late if it allows them to get what they need to get done at home, while still achieving their professional goals. Can you offer additional benefits that support their values (think: flex PTO or flex holidays) that are also inclusive of everyone? Think outside of the box when it comes to flexibility. Communication is vital – ask what they might need. You will be surprised by what you learn. You can even take moments during monthly staff meetings to highlight a particular benefit. People forget what they have if they aren’t reminded about it or even told about it.

At Hill Electric Company, our dedication to enhancing our customers’ processes is matched only by our commitment to enriching the lives of our team. We will strive to be the best for continued success and know that our company will make decisions to support our quality of life. We feel appreciated, have security for our families, and are allowed an opportunity for growth, and want to have a successful career at Hill Electric. We live out our core values: Integrity, Safety, Professionalism, Workforce Development, and Quality.