At Hill Electric, one of the key factors that have contributed to our success is our partnerships with other companies in the construction industry, including Triangle Construction. Triangle Construction is a like minded, well-established construction company that has been serving the Upstate for 75 years. Specializing in all steps of the construction process, the Triangle team prides itself on providing an unparalleled customer experience from start to finish. 

We spoke with Triangle Construction Project Manager, Jordan Truesdale, to learn a little more about their time working alongside Hill Electric and more specifically, the time spent together on the Greenwood, South Carolina manufacturing facility expansion project.

What do you like most about working with Hill?

What I like most about working with Hill Electric is the knowledge and expertise they bring to a project overall. The ability to assist in pushing a project greatly improves the appreciation I have to work with such a professional and knowledgeable contractor for their specific trade. Hill Electric is one of my preferred electricians, given the type of work I do here at Triangle Construction. I consider them a true partner and one of the reasons I have been successful in my tenure at Triangle.

How long have you been working with Hill?

I have been working with the Hill Electric team for about 11 years now. Their quality and knowledge of each project we have worked on together has never been hindered in any way. I have received the same level of quality and professionalism with every project that I have had the opportunity to work on with Hill Electric.

Hill Electric and Triangle Construction PIP group shot

How has it been working together on the industrial manufacturing plant expansion project? 

We have been fortunate to have Lonza as one of our preferred clients for the past six years. One of the reasons for our success, and the reason why they keep asking us to assist with projects on campus, is simply because of the team we have around us and our knowledge of their facility. Hill Electric fills a vital role in that team and without them, I’m not sure the level of confidence that Lonza has with us would still be there. We at Triangle Construction would like to thank Hill Electric for helping us keep a great client trustworthy of everything that we do.

As David Wolke, Vice President of Hill Electric Company, stated, “We are grateful for the opportunity to work with Triangle Construction and appreciate their dedication to our clients and our Hill Electric employees alike. We look forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come.” Our collaboration is an example of how fostering strong relationships in business can lead to mutual benefits and long-term success. With shared values of integrity, loyalty, and exceptional service, our partnership with Triangle Construction stands as a testament to the power of building meaningful connections in the business world. Together, we are confident in our ability to achieve even greater heights in the future.